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Family Night: Champagne Irish Dance Performance

Join the dancers of Champagne Academy of Irish Dance in Meeting Room A to learn more about Irish culture, language, music, and dance! Enjoy a showcase of the different kinds of dances by Champagne...

Arts, Music, and Hobbies

Iowa Women of the Great Migration: The Maid Narratives

Celebrate Women’s History Month and learn about the remarkable women who labored as domestic workers from the 1930s to 1950s and were interviewed for the book The Maid Narratives: Black Domestics...

Books and Writing Obermann Conversations

ICE Raids and Community Well Being | Obermann Conversations

Researchers and nonprofit workers discuss the effects of ICE raids on the health and well-being of communities.

Obermann Conversation series is cosponsored by the Iowa City Public Library...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations

#StillWithHer - Embedded in the Hillary Clinton Campaign | Barbara Kinney

Barbara Kinney, award-winning photojournalist and former White House photographer during the Clinton presidency became Hillary Clinton's campaign photographer during her 2016 presidential...

Current Issues and Politics

2nd Sunday Garden Forum: Native Plants & Pollinators

Johnson County Conservation Naturalist Kristen Morrow will be here to talk about native plants and pollinators in Iowa.

The Second Sunday Garden Forums are cosponsored by Project GREEN and...

Gardening, Nature, and Home Project GREEN

"Ebenezer Duke" with Duke Otherwise | Family Night

Our favorite tap-dancing, guitar-wielding wordsmith is returning to ICPL! "Ebenezer Duke"is a brand new mini-musical; a 45-minute re-telling of "A Christmas Carol" told through...


Raising Anti-Racist White Kids: A Conversation for All of Us

Difficult conundrums exist when it comes to raising white children in a society that is one of the most racially diverse in the world, while also being full of racial inequity and injustice....

Current Issues and Politics

International Authors: Images of America

Join us for an open panel in which any and all writers will have a chance to offer brief personal comments about their time in Iowa.

The International Authors series provides an opportunity...

Books and Writing International Writing Program

Obermann Conversations: Domestic Stories

How have relationships between domestic workers and employees changed over time, including around issues of race and gender? What are issues of pay injustice that have been true in the past and...

Arts, Music, and Hobbies Obermann Conversations

The Berlin Wall: Then and Now

A panel discussion on the Berlin Wall and its legacy thirty years after its fall on November 9, 1989.

Cosponsored by the UI Dept of German and the Iowa City Public Library

Arts, Music, and Hobbies