Many of us live in a primarily mental world where we dissociate from or leave our bodies regularly. Research shows that we have complicated, often negative relationships with our physical selves...
It’s hard to predict where we are going in this world. Moral bankruptcy is celebrated and our lives, relationships, and jobs are being impacted. The winds of change are blowing and some would say...
Halloween is upon us and it's time to show off this year's dress-up lewks! Join us for a special Halloween-themed Drag Storytime with some of Iowa City's finest drags queens and...
Tell us about how inspiration, travel-induced anxiety, or memories made on-the-go influence your writing. What persona emerges as your daily routines disappear? And, how does this inform you as a...
Writers often create characters different from themselves in one way or another. When such a character “belongs” to a distinct, recognizable group—perhaps a minority—challenges may arise. What—if...
Traditionally, the human genome has been thought of as being static. Today we now know that that is not the case. Transposable elements are pieces of DNA that are actively replicating and moving...
As metaphor and as reality, in our ever-more-hybrid world, translation and polylinguality are now ubiquitous. Languages live side by side, commingle, influence each other. New words, accents,...
The world renowned Turkish poet Bejan Matur wrote her Sea of Fate in 2009, in the span of a three-week long “near-trance,” an almost mystical outpouring of words and lines. The poem cycle is a...