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Youtube Editing Basics | Virtual Classes for Adults with Iowa City Public Library

Have you always wanted to share videos on YouTube but didn't because you don't know how to do video editing? Did you know that you can make simple edits to your videos within YouTube...

Technology Classes for Adults

Building and Monitoring Nest Boxes for Birds with Bur Oak Land Trust

Iowa is about to become a serious tourist trap...well at least for birds. The state sits in the middle of the Mississippi flyway, a route used by more than 100 million birds to migrate each season...

Gardening, Nature, and Home

Instagram Basics | Virtual Classes for Adult with Iowa City Public Library

Are you ready to try Instagram, the 4th-most-used app with over 1 billion users each month? Or are you already on Instagram but aren't sure about some of its features?

Join us for an...

Technology Classes for Adults

TikTok Basics | Virtual Classes for Adults with Iowa City Public Library

Have you heard about TikTok but aren’t really sure what it is, where it came from, or how it works? Join us as we talk about being a viewer and a creator on TikTok!

We’ll look at how to...

Technology Classes for Adults

Getting Started with WordPress | Virtual Class for Adults with Iowa City Public Library

Do you want to start your own website? Or are you taking over a WordPress site from someone else? Learn how to get started building a website on the framework behind more than one third of the...

Technology Classes for Adults

End of Life and Grief - COVID's Lessons | An Obermann Conversation

The past year has made the end of life and grief a daily communal event, as we receive numbers from the headlines and news from friends and family. In the West, death and grief have often been...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations

Writing a Will / Basics of Estate Planning

Was your New Year's resolution to write a will or learn more about estate planning? No one wants to think about dying, but creating an estate plan will let you check a big one off your New...

Current Issues and Politics

Autodesk SketchBook App | Virtual Class for Adults with Iowa City Public Library

Want to make digital drawings or paintings while the Adobe software in the library's Digital Media Lab isn’t available? No problem! Autodesk SketchBook is a free app with powerful options....

Technology Classes for Adults

Meditation Apps | Virtual Class for Adults with Iowa City Public Library

Did you set a New Year's Resolution about mindfulness or meditation for 2021? Learn how your smartphone or tablet can help you on that journey, with this overview of some popular apps. We...

Technology Classes for Adults

Teen Works - Social and Human Services Career Exploration | Iowa City Public Library

Get a feel for different careers from community members who work in different fields! Each month we feature two community members from a different employment sector. This is a great way to find...

Current Issues and Politics Teen Works