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by Meredith November 4, 2015

It’s time to tickle the ivories and celebrate one of music’s most popular instruments: the piano. Join the Iowa City Public Library for...

by Meredith November 3, 2015

Are you thinking about purchasing one of the latest and greatest devices for the holidays? Do you want to know the difference between a...

by Mimi October 29, 2015

Nowadays, it seems like horror equals gratuitous gore, especially in movies.  These stories, to me, are the ones that are truly horrible. ...

by Meredith October 27, 2015

The Iowa City Public Library’s annual Popo’s Puppet Festival is this Saturday, Oct. 31, in Meeting Room A. Join Elsenpeter Marionettes and...

by Meredith October 22, 2015

It’s no bologna – the Oscar Mayer WIENERMOBILE will be at the Iowa City Public Library for two special visits! The WIENERMOBILE will make...