Do you like your Library? Do you like spending money? Do you like art?? If you answered 'yes' to these questions, you might also like being part of the Library's Art Advisory Committee! We're looking for candidates who are involved and interested...
Author Archive for Candice
Thursday, Mar 23, 2023
Help us do a spring refresh of our Art To Go collection by entering your art.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
If you said 'yes' to either of those questions, then I'm glad you're here! ICPL has a wealth of book-related events coming up in the next couple months. In fact, almost every Tuesday evening into August, we've got a book discussion going on via Zoom, and we want you to join us!
Friday, Mar 27, 2020
Did you know that you can still come to the Library for assistance--online, that is?! Staff are providing chat information services M-F, during the hours of 10-5. You can ask us for help with downloading e-materials (books! audiobooks! movies!! magazines!!!), using some of our online databases (care to delve into the Sanborn maps, anyone?), finding up-to-date reliable information about Covid, or really, anything you find tickling your brain.
Tuesday, Oct 16, 2018
Halloween was a holiday that I loved and hated when I was a kid...I found it a little nerve-wracking to come up with a good costume idea, to dress up and go out in front of people, and to go knock on doors. BUT--the candy. I loved Halloween because...
Friday, Jul 27, 2018
Attention all newcomers to Iowa City and new, or soon-to-be, apartment dwellers: do you have the dreaded "bare wall syndrome?" Are you surrounded by unsightly beige expanses? Are your walls freckled with the Spackle from previous tenants and their...
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About Candice

I work at the Info Desk on the second floor, and I select books for the adult nonfiction collection. I have a degree in anthropology, which really helps in selecting...well...almost anything. I also manage the Art To Go collection of framed prints and original art, and the nonfiction DVDs. What do you like to read? In no particular order:...