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by Meredith August 20, 2015

The Iowa City Public Library ended the 2015 Summer Reading Program with strong participation numbers among all age levels – babies, kids,...

by Meredith August 19, 2015

The Iowa City Public Library will host a discussion about the 2015 All Iowa Reads book, “My Name is Mary Sutter” by Robin Oliveira, from...

by Kara August 18, 2015

Jalapeno Poppers are a family favorite and the Iowa City Farmer's Market is the best place to purchase fresh jalapenos this time of year....

by Casey August 11, 2015

Let's just start by saying that I love the Farmer's Market--everything I need for a week of healthy and colorful eating I can find there...

by Heidi L August 4, 2015

I have been enjoying a new cookbook from the Library's collection, and when I finally settled on a recipe to try, a trip to the Iowa City...