This category encompasses everything you'd find on the shelves in the Ellen Buchanan Children's Room -- board books and picture books to...
Books and More
Find Buried Treasure: Peruse our Online Shelves
by Melody — February 9, 2023
Are you a fan of online shopping? Our website lets you “shop” for books online too, but without any of those pesky debits from your bank account. Right on our homepage, we feature new topics each month—books just sitting on our shelves waiting for...
Recently Added
Like most kids, I had a lot of stuffed animals when I was little, but there was one who was my favorite. Peabody the bear with the book...
Just in time for the holidays, the Iowa City Public Library will host the Fourth Annual Arts & Crafts Bazaar and Winter Book Sale from...
December’s computer classes for adults at the Iowa City Public Library will tackle popular social media sites Facebook and Twitter. Our...
You might have noticed our latest display on the first floor that states “Be Thankful for Books” which without a doubt, I am, but I am also...