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by Kara September 5, 2017

The Bookmobile Fall Schedule is off to a great start. The Fall Schedule runs through December 21 st and features four new stops including...

by Kara September 1, 2017

September is National Library Card Sign-up Month - the 30th anniversary of National Library Card Sign-up Month. This sign-up drive has been...

by Kara August 14, 2017

It's been a great summer on the Bookmobile! We drove over 1,000 miles, hosted an average of 700 visitors a week, and checked out over 6,000...

by Shawna August 1, 2017

Summer is wrapping up at the Library, but you can still make the most of the time we have left! The Bookmobile Summer schedule continues...

by Kara July 6, 2017

After driving 420 miles through the streets of Iowa City in June, the Iowa City Public Library's Bookmobile will be out of service on...