Arts & Crafts Bazaar is only 156 days away!

Shoppers at the 2015 Arts & Crafts Bazaar
Shoppers at the 2015 Arts & Crafts Bazaar

On those summer days when the sun beats down, the humidity goes up, and it's just not pleasant outside consider starting your crafting project for the Library's annual Arts & Crafts Bazaar fundraiser (December 3, 2016).  We accept donations of a wide variety items that are handmade (no food or living plants).  In the past donations have included hats and scarves, quilts and pillows, holiday decorations and pictures, cards and ceramics, aprons and bags, toys and shelves.  These are just some of the many wonderful items that you can contribute.  The purpose of the bazaar is primarily a fundraiser (raising over $5,000 last year for the Friends Foundation), but also to showcase the great talents of library lovers.  So, checkout out some inspirational books, break out the hammers, sewing machines, knitting needles, paint brushes...your tools of choice, and get crafting!  Watch the library website for the donation form that will be available soon.

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