Share Your Information the Old Fashioned Way

Although much of the information people receive today comes to them in an electronic format the Library has several ways of getting your message out the good old-fashioned way--in print.  Twelve  to 20,000 people a week walk through our lobby and look at the Event Board and the items in the giveaway rack below.  Perhaps not equivalent to a viral social media post, but likely more that your personal e-message will reach.  Because of limited space the Event Board is reserved for "information about events sponsored by or benefiting non-profit organizations...a .. campaign or political committee.. or a government...subdivision."  Bring your item to the Help Desk for approval and staff will post it.  Items can also be left at the Help Desk for the free materials rack.  We accept materials that focus on information about local organizations, events, performances, or cultural offerings, tourism, and current issues.  Interestingly, we see examples of censorship in the giveaway rack as people will remove all the information about an organization or activity that they do not approve of, as well as leave things that do not meet our guidelines -- unfortunate proof that bad behavior exists in both the virtual and real world.

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