Although much of the information people receive today comes to them in an electronic format the Library has several ways of getting your message out the good old-fashioned way--in print. Twelve to 20,000 people a week walk through our lobby...
Author Archive for Susan
Tuesday, Jan 9, 2018
If you still need a feel good New Year's resolution make one to pay off your library fines. I recently spoke to a young woman who works at a restaurant I go to frequently who said she hadn't used the library in a while because she owed money. ...
Thursday, Dec 21, 2017
If you missed out on the Library's Winter edition of the The Window you may not know how important gifts are to support the Library. Gifts allow us to have more items to checkout and share, more free programs to attend, keep the bookmobile on the...
Tuesday, Oct 31, 2017
Libraries usually mirror national trends in how people are getting their information and entertainment and this year (FY17, ended June 30, 2017) was no different. Overall circulation was down a little, a national trend as the economy improves and...
Friday, Sep 22, 2017
Bring those eclipse glasses to the library and we will pass them on to a place that needs them. We are collecting eclipse glasses as part of an effort of the Astronomers Without Borders and its corporate sponsor, Explore Scientific. All the...
Wednesday, Aug 23, 2017
Kinnick Stadium, the Iowa Children's Museum, the Englert Theatre and Hancher Auditorium. All great destination points. If you're lucky you get to visit each of them a couple of times of year. The number of people who visited the Iowa City...
Thursday, Jun 8, 2017
This is your reminder--ICPL's Arts & Crafts Bazaar to benefit the Friends Foundation is less than six months away! Summer is a great time to get started on your crafting donations. Those messy spray paint or collage projects are much easier...
Monday, Apr 24, 2017
This week I get to enjoy two of my favorite events of the year, both involve our active supporters. Without them our level of library service would not be sustainable. The first is donors. On Sunday I had a great time at our third annual, "
Tuesday, Apr 4, 2017
The City and the County are currently seeking applications for the Board Of Trustees of the Iowa City Public Library for three six-year terms (one for a rural county resident, two for Iowa City residents) that begin July 1, 2017. The Board has...
Friday, Jan 20, 2017
Happy 120th Birthday, Dear ICPL. The Iowa City Public Library first opened it's doors on January 21, 1897. The effort to establish a public library in Iowa City started in 1896 so we get confused about whether the institution's "real" birthday...
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About Susan

Susan was the Library Director of the Iowa City Public Library before retiring in 2018.