Here are the titles that advanced to the Sweet Sixteen round of our 2017 Book Madness competition: 2017 BOOK MADNESS – CHILDREN’S BRACKET...
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Find Buried Treasure: Peruse our Online Shelves
by Melody — February 9, 2023
Are you a fan of online shopping? Our website lets you “shop” for books online too, but without any of those pesky debits from your bank account. Right on our homepage, we feature new topics each month—books just sitting on our shelves waiting for...
Recently Added
If, like me, you don't mind wallowing in despair, as long as a good story has led you there, try one of these new works of juvenile...
The Book Madness brackets have been updated to show titles advancing to the Second Round. 2017 BOOK MADNESS – CHILDREN’S BRACKET Banned...
I grew up reading stories filled with strong female characters, from L.M. Montgomery's Anne to Roald Dahl's Matilda to Tamora Pierce's...
Yesterday was a happy day! The West Side Remote Book Returns are once again available at the University of Iowa Community Credit Union...