Library EventWorld Club: Japanese koinobori

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

05/21/2024 4:00pm 05/21/2024 5:00pm World Club: Japanese koinobori Join us for the exciting World Club on the third Tuesday of every month! Each month we will explore a unique world culture through fun stories, games, crafts, activities, or even delicious food. All children under 12 and their caregivers are welcome! In celebration of the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, as well as the Japanese Children’s Day in May, today we will create and decorate the traditional Koinobori, or carp-shaped windsocks, and take them home to fly in the wind! In Japanese culture, the carp symbolizes courage and strength because of its ability to swim up a waterfall. So bring in your energy and imagination, and be the most spirited fish in our World Club! 每个月的第三个周二请加入世界文化俱乐部,我们一起读书,游戏,做手工,制作品尝特色食品,探索世界各地的文化。欢迎不同年龄段和不同文化背景的小朋友和家长参与! 为庆祝亚太裔传统月以及五月的日本儿童节,今天我们将一起制作传统的日本鲤鱼旗(鯉幟),带回家让它迎风飞扬。在日本文化中,鲤鱼象征着逆流而上的勇气和力量。带着你的想象和能量,来做一条元气满满的鲤鱼吧! Iowa City Public Library Iowa City Public Library America/Chicago public

Storytime Room

Join us for the exciting World Club on the third Tuesday of every month! Each month we will explore a unique world culture through fun stories, games, crafts, activities, or even delicious food. All children under 12 and their caregivers are welcome!
In celebration of the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, as well as the Japanese Children’s Day in May, today we will create and decorate the traditional Koinobori, or carp-shaped windsocks, and take them home to fly in the wind! In Japanese culture, the carp symbolizes courage and strength because of its ability to swim up a waterfall. So bring in your energy and imagination, and be the most spirited fish in our World Club!


If you need disability-related accommodations in order to participate in this event, please contact the Library.

This event is open to the public.

Kids Families Arts & Crafting Kids Club