
Chilean poet : a novel book cover

Chilean poet : a novel

Alejandro Zambra

FICTION Zambra Alejandr

"The internationally acclaimed author, heralded as one of the most important writers of his generation, returns with the most substantial work of his career: an emotionally captivating, very funny novel about fathers and sons, ambition and failure, and the many forms of family"--

Alex's picture

Added by Alex

Enlightenment : a novel book cover

Enlightenment : a novel

Sarah Perry

FICTION Perry Sarah

"Thomas Hart and Grace Macaulay have lived all their lives in the small Essex town of Aldleigh. Though separated in age by three decades, the pair are kindred spirits--torn between their commitment to religion and their desire to explore the world beyond their small Baptist community. It is two romantic relationships that will rend their friendship, and in the wake of this rupture, Thomas develops an obsession with a vanished nineteenth-century astronomer said to haunt a nearby manor, and Grace flees Aldleigh entirely for London. Over the course of twenty years, by coincidence and design, Thomas and Grace will find their lives brought back into orbit as the mystery of the vanished astronomer unfolds into a devastating tale of love and scientific pursuit. Thomas and Grace will ask themselves what it means to love and be loved, what is fixed and what is mutable, how much of our fate is predestined and written in the stars, and whether they can find their way back to each other"--

Anne M's picture

In Sarah Perry’s “Enlightenment,” the past is a circle. In her latest novel, we meet Thomas Hart and Grace Macaulay. Steeped in a shared unshakeable faith, they both don’t belong to their small English village or their small Baptist church—or at least they don’t feel that way. While the decades that span between their ages makes their friendship unlikely, they bond through turning their eyes to the past, and more importantly the cosmos. It’s 1997 and Hart, a newspaper columnist for the “Essex Chronicle,” is told by his editor to write about Hale-Bopp, the great comet visible to the eye that year. This assignment leads Hart down a rabbit hole. He develops a new love of physics, and more importantly, an obsession with a local astronomer who vanished a century before. This need to solve the mystery of Maria Vaduva alters the course of thirty years (or was this always the course?), stretching and straining the relationship of Thomas and Grace—two people in orbit. You can argue with yourself about what is the gravitational pull. It is a splendid book. -Anne M

The wild robot escapes book cover

The wild robot escapes

Peter Brown

jFICTION Brown Peter
Fiction, Adventure, Nature, Classics

After being captured by the Recons and returned to civilization for reprogramming, Roz is sent to Hilltop Farm where she befriends her owner's family and animals, but pines for her son, Brightbill.

Casey's picture

This is a family summer book club read and I am having a hard time following the pacing rules. Seriously, I do not want to put it down! I'm excited to get all caught up with this series now that the Wild Robot Protects is out and the movie is forthcoming in September! -Casey

Ruined book cover


Sarah Vaughn

Fiction, Romance

For fans of Bridgerton comes a Regency-era romance graphic novel about the unexpected passion that blooms from a marriage of convenience. The whole town is whispering about how Catherine Benson lost her virtue, though they can never agree on the details. Was it in the public garden? Or a moving carriage? Only a truly desperate man would want her now -- and that's exactly what Andrew Davener is. His family's estate is in disrepair, but Catherine's sizeable dowry could set it to rights. After the two wed, Catherine finds herself inexplicably drawn to Andrew. But could falling in love with her husband tear her marriage apart? In this richly detailed Regency romance, duty and passion collide in a slow-burn tale of intertwined fates.

Melody's picture

tl;dr: Great book for Bridgerton lovers. I picked up this book because I haven't read a graphic novel romance and was very intrigued when I saw it on the shelf. I didn't like the illustration at first but it grew on me as the story went deeper into the characters' lives and motivations. I tend not to read historical fiction but I thought this might be a nice entry into the Bridgerton-influenced historical romance. There's no narration text, just illustrations and dialogue. The clean-line and uncluttered drawings communicated so much on their own. Novels require descriptive writing to detail the setting, but this graphic novel used sparseness to get me into the headspace of Regency England. FYI--some scenes are mature in nature. -Melody

The book proposal book cover

The book proposal

K. J. Micciche

FICTION Micciche K
Fiction, Romance, Humor

Broke up with, broke, and with a vicious case of writer's block, romance writer Gracie Landing is a hot mess. She can hardly be blamed for drinking one (or a few) too many cocktails when out with her besties in an attempt to cheer herself up. Sometime in the foggy wee hours, she recklessly emails her unrequited high-school crush, Colin Yarmouth, who is now a successful attorney harboring regrets of his own. When she receives an intriguingly friendly (not to say flirty) response, her acute embarrassment is overcome only by her fervent curiosity―what would a hottie like Colin be like as a grown up? The two forge an unlikely friendship that's unmistakably headed for more. Colin's tales of his own woeful break-up become fodder for Gracie's fertile imagination and her current work-in-progress takes off. With the deadline looming and her checking account dwindling, Gracie has no idea that borrowing Colin's story could wreak havoc on her life, her career, and her own chance at happily-ever-after...

Melody's picture

I picked up this book from our "Books about Book People" display that was up in May. That theme is right up my alley. I just know it's going to be a creative read when the hero is a struggling author. BUT THIS BOOK! I binged the last half of the book in one afternoon. The characters are (of course) likeable and relatable, for me anyway. I've read my fair share of books where the protagonist is a hot mess and I personally enjoy the comedic opportunity that kind of character provides. But my favorite comedic bits were in the interactions between Gracie and her friend's Eastern European immigrant mother. She treats Gracie as if she were her own, offering borscht to her anytime she is down on her luck. I just love the tenderness felt among the characters. I read some negative reviews on Goodreads so the book might not be for everyone. But for me, I didn't want the story to be over at "The End." I want more of these characters and hope the author considers featuring them in a future book. -Melody

Cuentos completos. 1 : (1945-1966) book cover

Cuentos completos. 1 : (1945-1966)

Cortazar, Julio, author.


Alex's picture

Julio Cortazar es un escritor argentino que formo parte del boom latinoamericano. Mi cuento favorito de esta colección es: “El Perseguidor”. Este es un cuento inspirado en la vida intensa y fugaz de Charlie Parker. También allí se puede apreciar una prosa jazzística de Cortazar en la que es difícil distinguir literatura de música. -Alex

El gaucho insufrible book cover

El gaucho insufrible

Bolaño, Roberto, 1953-2003.


Alex's picture

Roberto Bolaño es un escritor chileno que vivió en México y en España. De esta colección el que más me gustó fue: "El gaucho insufrible”, (cuento que da título al libro). Este cuento trata de la historia de un abogado argentino que repentinamente cambia su estilo de vida de manera radical hasta convertirse en un gaucho (cowboy, sería la traducción más próxima en inglés). Es decir, en alguien que renuncia a la vida moderna de la ciudad por la vida rural de la pampa. Pero este cambio no estará exento de dificultades, las cuales incluso llevaran a borrar esa delgada frontera que separa la realidad de la ficción. El humor es otro elemento presente en este y otros cuentos de Roberto Bolaño. -Alex

Reckless girls book cover

Reckless girls

Rachel Hawkins

FICTION Hawkins Rachel
Fiction, Thriller, Suspense

When Lux McAllister and her boyfriend, Nico, are hired to sail two women to a remote island in the South Pacific, it seems like the opportunity of a lifetime. Stuck in a dead-end job in Hawaii, and longing to travel the world after a family tragedy, Lux is eager to climb on board The Susannah and set out on an adventure. She's also quick to bond with their passengers, college best friends Brittany and Amma. The two women say they want to travel off the beaten path. But like Lux, they may have other reasons to be seeking an escape. Shimmering on the horizon after days at sea, Meroe Island is every bit the paradise the foursome expects, despite a mysterious history of shipwrecks, cannibalism, and even rumors of murder. But what they don't expect is to discover another boat already anchored off Meroe's sandy beaches. The owners of the Azure Sky, Jake and Eliza, are a true golden couple: gorgeous, laidback, and if their sleek catamaran and well-stocked bar are any indication, rich. Now a party of six, the new friends settle in to experience life on an exotic island, and the serenity of being completely off the grid. Lux hasn't felt like she truly belonged anywhere in years, yet here on Meroe, with these fellow free spirits, she finally has a sense of peace. But with the arrival of a skeevy stranger sailing alone in pursuit of a darker kind of good time, the balance of the group is disrupted. Soon, cracks begin to emerge: it seems that Brittany and Amma haven't been completely honest with Lux about their pasts--and perhaps not even with each other. And though Jake and Eliza seem like the perfect pair, the rocky history of their relationship begins to resurface, and their reasons for sailing to Meroe might not be as innocent as they first appeared. When it becomes clear that the group is even more cut off from civilization than they initially thought, it starts to feel like the island itself is closing in on them. And when one person goes missing, and another turns up dead, Lux begins to wonder if any of them are going to make it off the island alive"--

Candice's picture

I really enjoyed Hawkins' novel The Villa, so I picked this up to take on turned out to be a perfectly good beach-read! A group of twenty- to thirty-somethings find themselves on a small, uninhabited island for a spot of remote relaxation, but of course, things go awry when an uninvited guest gets their guard up and their imaginations going. That's not all, though--there are some weird dynamics going on in the background for each of our islanders, personal traumas and fears, that make for unique interactions and hidden motives. There's nothing ground-breaking going on here, but if you want a solid thriller with a great location, and some better-than-average thinking about what it means to live in the aftermath of major change and life interruptions, this book will do nicely! -Candice

Only and Forever book cover

Only and Forever

Chloe Liese

OverDrive Audiobook
Fiction, Romance

A tender, steamy story about unexpectedly finding love and being brave enough to let it revise life's narrative in the final book in the beloved Bergman Brothers series. Viggo Bergman, hopeless romantic, is thoroughly weary of waiting for his happily ever after. But between opening a romance bookstore, running a romance book club, coaching kids' soccer, and adopting a household of pets-just maybe, he's overcommitted himself?-Viggo's chaotic life has made finding his forever love seem downright improbable. Enter Tallulah Clarke, chilly cynic with a massive case of writer's block. Tallulah needs help with her thriller's romantic subplot. Viggo needs another pair of hands to keep his store afloat. So they agree to swap skills and cohabitate for convenience-his romance expertise to revive her book, her organizational prowess to salvage his store. They hardly get along, and they couldn't be more different, but who says roommate-coworkers need to be friends? As they share a home and life, Tallulah and Viggo discover a connection that challenges everything they believe about love, and reveals the plot twist they never saw coming: happily ever after is here already, right under their roof.

Melody's picture

This is Book 7 in the Bergman Brothers series by Chloes Liese, sadly the last in the series. I read them out of order, starting with Book 2, Always Only You. I would call this series a cozy romance: everyone is honest, open-hearted, well-behaved, and many scenes take place in a historic A-frame house in the secluded woods of Washington State. I had been wanting to try out some sports romances, and I was drawn to Always Only You because of its ability-diverse characters. Each book touches on serious themes while not going too deep to break the fantasy of perfect and easy answers. Some love scenes in the series are open door, earning maybe 4 out of 5 red hot chili peppers for steaminess. -Melody

None of This is True book cover

None of This is True

Lisa Jewell

OverDrive Audiobook
Fiction, Mystery

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From the #1 New York Times bestselling author known for her "superb pacing, twisted characters, and captivating prose" (BuzzFeed), Lisa Jewell returns with a scintillating new psychological thriller about a woman who finds herself the subject of her own popular true crime podcast.Celebrating her forty-fifth birthday at her local pub, popular podcaster Alix Summer crosses paths with an unassuming woman called Josie Fair. Josie, it turns out, is also celebrating her forty-fifth birthday. They are, in fact, birthday twins. A few days later, Alix and Josie bump into each other again, this time outside Alix's children's school. Josie has been listening to Alix's podcasts and thinks she might be an interesting subject for her series. She is, she tells Alix, on the cusp of great changes in her life. Josie's life appears to be strange and complicated, and although Alix finds her unsettling, she can't quite resist the temptation to keep making the podcast. Slowly she starts to realize that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it, Josie has inveigled her way into Alix's life—and into her home. But, as quickly as she arrived, Josie disappears. Only then does Alix discover that Josie has left a terrible and terrifying legacy in her wake, and that Alix has become the subject of her own true crime podcast, with her life and her family's lives under mortal threat. Who is Josie Fair? And what has she done?

Candice's picture

This was good...I wasn't even expecting it to be so good! You know, sometimes these mysteries can take on the same flavor after a while, even when certain plot points vary slightly. This is your 'average woman who has it mostly all together crosses paths with the seemingly meek and maybe mousy woman who never got the life she wanted but is ready to make a change' kind of mystery, BUT, with a incredibly highly unreliable narrator (narrators??) and some sinister plot twists thrown in there. It's up-to-date and the characters are well-defined and just introspective enough to make it real without going overboard with detail. Coupled with a stellar narration, this mystery ticks many boxes. -Candice