Posted by Kara on Wednesday, Jun 3, 2015
It's summer and for many this means relaxed days, vacations, and no school. For others this means long days, no school breakfast or lunch, and being hungry. Fortunately our community has a Summer Food Rocks! program. From June 15th through July 30th on Mondays through Thursdays, breakfast and lunch are served at Fairmeadows Park and the Pheasant Ridge Neighborhood Center.
Summer Food Rocks! is open to all children 18 and younger. There is no enrollment and no cost. Breakfast is served 9-9:30 AM and lunch is served Noon-12:45 PM.
Here's a link to more information: 2015 SummerMeals_flyer_2015
Feel free to print this PDF and post it where students might find it. If you know a student who could benefit from this program, please pass along the information.
For more information, contact Alison Demory, RD/LD, Director of Nutrition Services, Iowa City Community School District, 688-1021.
Three cheers for summer!
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