Posted by Anne M on Thursday, Feb 26, 2015
Interested in finding historical population statistics for Iowa? Although the US Census Bureau’s website has a lot of great information, it isn’t the easiest to navigate and its historical data is few and far between, particularly in specifics. If you need a quick fact, you might wish to contact the State Data Center, which is part of the State Library of Iowa. The State Data Center collects information from the US Census, other federal agencies, and Iowa’s state agencies to provide population, housing, business, and government statistics. They have a number of reports on their website, including data profiles for the current year. Can't find what you are looking for? Contacting them is significantly faster than looking through the Census's website.
You can contact the State Data Center Monday through Friday 8-4:30:
By phone: 800-24
Or chat through their website here.
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