The Sandburg Connection

Private investigator Sam Blackman and his partner Nakayla Robertson have been hired by an insurance company to investigate a history professor's malpractice suit against a spinal surgeon.  They follow her to Connemara, Carl Sandburg's home in Flat Rock, North Carolina, where she takes a fatal fall down a mountain.  Before her death she utters the words, "It's the Sandburg verses."  There are many mysteries here -- why was she on the mountain, what about the Sandburg verses, did she have grounds to sue for malpractice, what mysterious research was she conducting before her death, and, of course, was she murdered or was it an accident?  Let me just say that more murders follow, so you know the answer to the last question.  Sam and Nakayla and likeable people with both a professional and a personal relationship.  Sam uses a prosthesis leg due to his military service in Iraq which limits him a little physically.  I think people will find the North Carolina and academic settings as well has the historical detail about Carl Sandburg interesting.  I had never read any books by the author, Mark DeCastrique, but I plan to go back and see what I missed.

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