Posted by Kara on Thursday, Feb 11, 2016
I love books that stick with me. I like to ruminate over words, ponder what the author was saying, and think about themes and how the book fits into my bigger world. My Name is Lucy Barton is one of these books. And just like Elizabeth Strout's Pulitzer Prize-winning Olive Kitteridge, My Name is Lucy Barton is a book to be savored.
Lucy Barton was raised in poverty in Amgash, Illinois. She escapes this poverty by working hard, ignoring ridicule, becoming a writer, and creating an adult life in Manhattan. Unfortunately Lucy cannot escape her past and the the loneliness and insecurities that follow her.
The book is also about family ties and love - wanting love and giving love - and coming to terms with one's expectations for love vs. the reality of love. The story meanders like a stream, and Strout gives important details quietly, like a whisper in the reader's ear. As I read I pondered each whisper, and silently hoped for happiness and love for Lucy as she faced her life's journey.
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