Posted by Kara on Tuesday, Sep 8, 2015
Do you remember when you got your first Library Card? I do. Actually I have two memories.
My first memory of getting a Library Card is at Iowa City Public Library's old Carnegie Building (kitty-corner from the current Library). We moved to Iowa City in 1967 and I'm guessing we found the Library a couple years later. The legendary Ron Prosser, with his bushy eyebrows and loud voice, welcomed me to the Library and said something about always being responsible for my card. I wasn't really listening because I was eager to head up to the Children's Room.
My second memory is of Library staff traveling to my elementary school, Hills Elementary, to issue new Library Cards. This is when I received the iconic yellow ICPL plastic Library Card (I still have it) and close to the time when the Library moved to an electronic online catalog. I remember the enthusiasm of Library staff. They reinforced my already established love for the Library.
Library staff still tr avel to local elementary schools and talk about Library Cards, Summer Reading Program, Summer Library Bus, and all the awesome collections, programs and services available at the Library. The photo in this post is from when Library staff visited Weber Elementary School ten years ago and enlisted Weber Students to help tell a story. My son and his friend are now Juniors in High School but I bet they could tell you the story of when Library staff visited their school :)
Fast forward more years than I care to think about and now I'm the one creating Library Card accounts for members of our community. I love it when parents take a photo of their child getting their first Library Card and I get excited when I see young children who can't wait to get their card and jump into using the Library. I also enjoy going to community events, such as the recent Iowa City elementary schools Ice Cream Socials, when I can talk to children and families about the Library and help them sign up for a Library Card.
Do you remember when you got your first Library Card? We'd love to hear from you.
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