Armchair Travel: Take Me Somewhere Warm!

January is almost over, but does knowing we have at least 7 more weeks of winter make you want learn to hibernate?  Does watching yet another snowstorm blow through give you the winter blues?  ICPL has the cure!

Check out the new Arm Chair Travel display on the 2nd floor.  You'll find all sorts of great travel guides guaranteed to make forget about the snow:

Pocket Phuket, 3rd edition.  A guide to the island province off the south western coast of Thailand.  Phuket, along with much of the Western coast of Thailand was seriously damaged by the December 2004 Tsunami, and the government and people of Thailand have made a fantastic recovery.   This guide, with wonderful pictures and maps, also has lots of lists.  Lists of places to visit, things to see, places to eat and places to stay.  Just flipping through its pages will get you lost in this amazing country.

Lonely Planet - Australia, 16th ed.  It's hard to cover an entire country in one book, but the Lonely Planet people have created a great introductory guide to travel in Australia.  From places to visit, sights to see and things to do the Lonely Planet guides are fun to read.  This guide will have you wanting to find koalas or kookaburras in their natural habitat, hiking through the Blue Mountains National Park, or just laying on the sand at Bondi Beach.

Moon Handbook: Tahiti  If you've ever wanted to run away to the French Polynesian islands, this guidebook is for you.  With beautiful maps and lists of things to see, places to go as well as where to eat and where to stay,  this book will have you dreaming about mountains and rainforests and black sand beaches.

Stop by the display or the Non Fiction collections for more travel guides in print or on DVD.

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