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2018 Obermann conversation Photographing the Latina/o Experience in Iowa - Social Activism, Research, and Policy

Recorded November 7, 2018


Jeremy Swanston, Gerta Bardhoshi, Miriam Alarcon Avila, two University of Iowa scholars who have used PhotoVoice, a community-based participatory research...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations

Visiting Author 2018 Bryan Collier

Recorded by Nov. 7 2018


This year's visiting author to Iowa City Community School District is Bryan Collier, an American writer and illustrator known best for illustrating children...

Books and Writing Visiting Authors

2018 Iowa City Book Festival: Silvia Hidalgo "How to Be An American"

Recorded October 6, 2018


While author and illustrator Silvia Hidalgo (who was born in Costa Rica and moved to the U.S. in 1998) was studying for her citizenship test, she took to...

Books and Writing Iowa City Book Festival

Crystals: Nature's Most Beautiful Rocks

Recorded July 25, 2018

Crystals have been admired and used for thousands of years. As amulets or talismans for luck or protection, for their energy or healing properties, or simply for...

Local History

Story time with Ellen Buchanan

Recorded by November 29, 2018


Iowa city Public library


Obermann Conversations Program: The U.S. / Mexico Border in Context.

Recorded by December 6, 2018


Lina-Maria Murillo, Rene Rocha, Kristy Nabhan-Warren, Yolanda Rivera 

Obermann Conversation about the current situation at the U.S. / Mexico...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations

2018 Obermann Conversation: Gerrymandering and Voter Rights

Recorded Oct. 25, 2018

How is voting restricted in our country in lawful ways? Political scientist Tracy Osborn, grassroots organizer Sharon Lake, and Andrew Bribriesco—president and legal...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations

2018 Witching Hour - How Capitalism Is Designed to Kill (Most of) You

Recorded Oct. 13, 2018

Shawn Sebastian, co-director of the Fed Up Campaign and an attorney at the Center for Popular Democracy, explores how institutionalized racism, decline of...

Current Issues and Politics Witching Hour

2018 Witching Hour Festival - Whose Dreams Are These?

Recorded Oct. 12, 2018

Big Ears Festival managing director Carissa Stolting, former Hancher executive director Wally Chappell, and Flyover and Middle of Nowhere founder Simeon Talley...

Current Issues and Politics Witching Hour

2018 International Writing Program "Images of America"

Recorded Oct. 26, 2018


Join us for the closing chapter of our weekly community conversation series over *free pizza* Fridays at the Iowa City Public Library (ICPL), Meeting Room A...

Books and Writing International Writing Program