The Downtown Library will be open 10am - 6pm on Thursday, February 20, 2025 for a staff training. The Bookmobile will not be in service.

Make Trouble: Cecile Richards in Conversation with Monique Galpin

Recorded by March 26, 2019

Cecile Richards, former president of Planned Parenthood, and Monique Galpin, Iowa City health care advocate and and President of the UI African American Council. This event, co-sponsored by ICPL & Prairie Lights Bookstore, features Cecile Richards' book, Make Trouble: Stand Up, Speak Out, and Find the Courage to Lead.

Cecile Richards, a "heroine of the resistance (Vogue)", has led a life of activism since wearing a black armband to school to protest the Vietnam War. Daughter of the late Governor Ann Richards, she was raised in a in ultra-conservative Texas, where her civil rights attorney father and activist mother taught their kids to be troublemakers. Throughout her life, Richards observed not only the rise of women in American politics, but also the pitfalls of public life that are unique to women. Her experiences paint a powerful portrait of the misogyny, sexism, misinformation, and even the threat of violence confronting those who challenge authority.

Richards was president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund for more than a decade, and the featured speaker at the Women’s March on Washington. Make Trouble is her story about learning to lead and make change, based on a lifetime of fighting for women’s rights and social justice.
Richards will be joined in conversation by Iowa City's Monique Galpin. Galpin is a coordinator for SHPEP, a pipeline program for underrepresented students in health professions. She also serves on the UI African American Council, the Iowa Sickle Cell Symposium Planning Committee, and is an advocate for reproductive rights and a feminist approach to health care.

Prairie Lights will have copies of Make Trouble for sale at the event.

Books and Writing Visiting Authors