Press ReleaseVote Now to Send ICPL’s Local Music Project to SXSW

The Iowa City Public Library broke new ground when it launched the Local Music Project in 2012 to promote local musicians and Johnson County’s live music culture. Since then, libraries across the country have taken up the call to be distributors of local music.

ICPL was the first. The Santa Cruz Public Library in California is the latest. Representatives from both libraries could make an appearance on a panel at the 2016 South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival in Austin, TX.

“Gain Fans and Get Paid with Library Distribution” is under consideration for the 2016 lineup as part of SXSW’s PanelPicker practice. The PanelPicker is a two-step online process that allows the SXSW community to have a significant voice in programming SXSW conference activities, including presentations, panels, discussions and demonstrations.

PanelPicker voting is open through Friday, Sept. 4. To vote, visit You will need to create an account if you don’t have one. The direct link to vote for the “Gain Fans and Get Paid with Library Distribution” panel is:

“When we launched the Local Music Project, it was to create another outlet in which local musicians could share their music with the masses,” Jason Paulios, adult services librarian, said. “To be part of the biggest music event in the country and share our experience in hopes of helping more libraries and local musicians collaborate would be a great honor.”

To learn more about the Local Music Project, visit

For more information, contact the Library at (319) 356-5200.