Posted by Meredith on Wednesday, Nov 23, 2016
Have you ever wanted to try your hand at making your own composition? Or do you want to learn more about free music from online sources? The Iowa City Public Library and Senior Center are providing classes on Garageband and an overview of popular online music sites such as Spotify in December.
Use one of the Library’s iPads to explore the app Garageband at 10 a.m. Friday, December 2, at 10:00 a.m. at the library. Garageband is an app that is easy to use so anyone regardless of your musical experience can create something with it.
Join us for Digital Music at the Senior Center at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, December 6. Understand the difference between online music providers Spotify, ICPL's Local Music Project, Pandora, streaming radio services, and subscription streaming services. Find out how online streaming music services have affected musicians and music.
Classes at the Library will be held in the Computer Lab on the second floor. Classes are free, but space is limited, so patrons should register early. Visit to register online or by calling the Library at 319-356-5200. If you plan on attending the class at the Senior Center, register by calling 319-356-5220.