Press ReleaseICPL announces April Classes for Adults

Want to learn as much as you can about digital movie editing? The month of April is devoted to learning about and trying various digital-video editing tools at the Iowa City Public Library.

On Monday, April 3, at 2 p.m. the class, Tools for Video Editing, will help you learn the basics of how editing works so that you can asked informed questions when selecting a video editor. Get an overview of the types of tools that come standard with most editing software and see how they help to create great video.

Once you feel like you know what it takes to edit your videos and the software you’d like to use, participate in the YouTube or Adobe Premiere class or come to both! Learn how to use Adobe Premiere on Monday, April 10 at 1 p.m. Clip away unneeded footage, add titles and transitions, as well as other effects to create quality video. The class will work with the patron’s own videos; bring files saved on a flash drive.

On Friday, April 14, at 10 a.m., participants can learn to use YouTube’s free video editor. Skills that will be covered include uploading video files, adding transitions, trimming your clips, adding titles, and more. It’s suggested that participants for either of these classes attend Tools for Video Editing first.

Don’t forget about our Creative Workshops from 5 to 6 p.m. on Mondays! We’ll be working with Adobe Premiere on April 10, so bring your projects and get ready to work!

All classes and workshops for adults are held in the Library’s Computer Lab on the second floor. Classes are free, so patrons should register early. Visit to register online. You can also register by calling the Library at 319-356-5200.