Posted by Kara on Wednesday, Jul 17, 2019
FY19 numbers are in and what a great year we had on the ICPL Bookmobile! We set a new record on June 24 for the number of transactions in a single day - we had 353 checkouts on that day. Our greatest number of visitors came one day in the first quarter of the year when we had 279 visitors in one day. Our busiest day on record is from June 24, 2017 when we had 433 visitors in one day.
In FY19 we checked out 31,436 items and welcomed 16,349 visitors onto the Bookmobile. We offered Bookmobile services on 193 days and the Bookmobile was in service for 759 hours.
Wednesdays are our busiest day for visitors on the Bookmobile with an average of 96 visitors each Wednesday. On Fridays, we have the most visitors per hour with an average of 32.
Wednesdays are also our busiest day for checkouts with an average of 187 items checked out each Wednesday.
Mondays are our busiest day for checkouts by the hour. On Mondays we average 57 checkouts per hour, followed closely by Fridays with an average of 54 checkouts per hour. During the entire year, we checked out 9,121 items on Mondays.
At the beginning of the fiscal year we set a goal of 331 Bookmobile visitors per week. I'm happy to report we exceeded that goal with an average of 367 visitors each week. The 4th quarter (April-May-June 2019) was our busiest quarter with an average of 453 visitors each week. The first quarter (July-August-September 2018) was also busy with an average of 413 visitors each week.
The third quarter (October-November-December 2018) was the slowest with an average of 277 visitors each week. Although we h
ad fewer visitors in the third quarter, we still checked out an average of 620 items each week. Remember our awful winter?! Brrrrr ...
But numbers don't tell the whole story. Recently a patron told me, "Every time I pick up a hold on the Bookmobile instead of driving downtown, I think the Bookmobile is the best idea ever!" In FY19 we delivered 7,135 Holds to the Bookmobile and averaged 77 Holds on the Bookmobile each day waiting to be picked up.
Recently I was at a Stories in the Park Storytime with 2 Llamas and over 100 interested humans. One child told me, "I just love when the Bookmobile is at Storytime at Mercer Park!" Lots of people agree. In FY19 there were 104 Children's programs offered as a part of Bookmobile services with 2,897 attendees.
My favorite statistics is Books Per Mile. In June we averaged 9 books checked out per mile driven. For the entire year we averaged 7 books per mile. 7 books per mile and thousands of stories. Come visit us on the ICPL Bookmobile. Schedule information is at
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