Celebrate Intellectual Freedom at Festival

Coinciding with Banned Books Week (Sept. 30 – Oct.6), the Intellectual Freedom Festival at the Iowa City Public Library is an annual event that affirms everyone's right to freedom of thought and expression. All programs are free and open to the public.

2012 Carol Spaziani Intellectual Freedom Festival Events

Thursday, September 27, 2012
7:00 p.m. Meeting Room A

Oh that book...50 Shades of Grey and its impact on Intellectual Freedom
Panel discussion followed by a discussion of the 50 Shades of Grey book trilogy.

The-Latehomecomer Wednesday, October 3, 2012
10:30 a.m. Meeting Room B

One Community One Book discussion: The Latehomecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir
The Latehomecomer: a Hmong Family Memoir by Kao Kalia Yang is a memoir of her Hmong family, and others like them, who escaped the jungles of Laos after the Vietnam war, to go to the refugee camps of Thailand and on to St Paul, Minnesota. It is an eloquent, firsthand account of a people who without a native written language have worked hard to make their voices heard. For more information: http://www.icpl.org/one-book/ Co-sponsored with the Senior Center

Wednesday, October 3, 2012
10:30 a.m. Storytime Room

Banned Books Preschool Storytime with Katherine
In Celebration of Banned Books Week: September 30 - October 6. A program for preschoolers where longer stories and books are shared with fewer activities. Preschool Storytime is recommended for children who are 3, 4 or 5 years old.

what-remains-of-us-2004 Thursday, October 4, 2012
Time: 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room A

Documentary screening "What Remains of Us"
What Remains of Us (original title: Ce qu'il reste de nous) is a 2004 Canadian documentary film exploring the survival of the nonviolent resistance movement in Tibet. The documentary was shot over eight years without the knowledge of the Chinese authorities. 76 min.

Monday, October 8, 2012
12:00 Noon, Meeting Room A

Censorship in China
Detours, diversions, dalliances and dodges: Censorship and its circumventions in China with guest speaker Judy Polumbaum, UI Professor of Mass Communications & Journalism. Judy Polumbaum has studied Chinese media for three decades. She will describe China’s censorship traditions and mechanisms and offer thoughts on how and why they sometimes work and sometimes don’t work.

BarbershopPunk Thursday, October 18, 2012
7:00 p.m. Meeting Room A

Documentary screening "Barbershop Punk"
Keeping the independent/punk spirit alive, barbershop quartet fan Robb Topolski takes on the nation’s largest cable company, only to find himself at the center of a federal investigation, inspiring a larger story of censorship, individual voice and access. 84 min.

For more information on the Intellectual Freedom Festival, contact Kara Logsden 319-887-6007.

Carol-Spaziani_bw-212x300 About the Festival
In 1995, the Iowa City Public Library established the annual Carol Spaziani Intellectual Freedom Festival to honor Carol’s 26-year career at ICPL and life-long commitment to the freedom of ideas. Spaziani (shown left) believes that the public library’s role is to be a resource and a forum for an individual’s pursuit and expression of diverse points of view. A Library committee monitors current intellectual freedom issues and plans programs of interest for area residents. Celebrate your intellectual freedom and head to the Library for interesting programs and discussions. For more information, call the Fiction Desk at 319-356-5200, option 4.

What is Intellectual Freedom?
Intellectual Freedom is a basic human right, defined by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. The American Library Association affirms Intellectual Freedom as a basis for our democratic system and recognizes the important role libraries play in Intellectual Freedom issues. In order to be responsible citizens who have the ability to self-govern, we must be well-informed. Libraries provide information, ideas and resources in a variety of formats, enabling an informed citizenry.

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