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by Meredith September 5, 2014

Do you read comic books? Do you like talking about comic books with others? Do you have a favorite character you are ready to defend...

by V August 28, 2014

Do you have a child just learning to read? Congratulations! Your child is on the verge of exploring a whole new world! The path to becoming...

by Beth August 20, 2014

Recently I had a conversation with one of the Library's 2nd floor Information Pages about the yearbook collection at ICPL.  Hannah had...

by Beth August 15, 2014

You told us what you read this summer and we kept track.  Click on the cover or title to place one of these on hold. The most read book...

by Meredith August 13, 2014

Treymire Johnson is the winner of the Babies Summer Reading Program Grand Prize -- a $50 gift certificate to Prairie Lights. The Iowa City...