Author Archive for Beth

Wednesday, Feb 3, 2016

Before Google was a verb, and before we carried the internet around in our pockets, checking the World Book Encyclopedia was a popular way of looking for new information. Librarians used it.  Students used it.  If you were lucky enough, your...

Tuesday, Jan 12, 2016

From January 4 through February 29th people of all ages can join in the fun of ICPL's first Winter Reading Program! You don't even need to register - just stop by any of the desks in the Library and pick up a Bingo game card.  There are four game...

Tuesday, Dec 29, 2015

  Today's weather word of the day in Iowa City is Graupel . Graupel is a winter phenomenon often mistaken for hail or sleet, but it's actually quite different.  Graupel is the result of super-cooled droplets of water freezing to the surface...

Wednesday, Oct 28, 2015

At the Information Desk we are often asked to help people find the value of a used car - either one they own and are thinking of selling/trading-in or a used car they're thinking about buying. Two of the most commonly used sources of used car...

Thursday, Aug 27, 2015

You told us what you read as part of the 2015 Summer Reading Program, and we kept track. Click on the title to place a copy on hold. The most popular book in this year's Adult Summer Reading Program is also one of the most popular books of the...

Thursday, Jul 30, 2015

This annual celestial event occurs each year in late Summer, with peak viewing near the 2nd week of August.  In 2015, the peak will be August 9-13 when up to 60 meteors an hour should be visible in the night sky, especially in the hours between...

Tuesday, Jun 9, 2015

ICPL has a great Summer Reading program every year.  But it's not just for kids. The Adult Summer Reading program "Everyday Heroes" runs from June 1 to August 9th, (just like the kids' and teens' programs.)  Simply read 5 books - or read 3 books...

Monday, Apr 13, 2015

According to Wikipedia, Art Quilts are an art form that uses both modern and traditional quilting techniques to create art objects. Local author, magazine writer, blogger , and quilter Linzee Kull McCray's new book " Art Quilts of the Midwest"...

Wednesday, Apr 8, 2015

. April is National Poetry Month ICPL is hosting a variety of programs to celebrate:   Landscape Iowa: Poems of James Hearst, Sung. Wednesday, April 8th  7:00 p.m. Meeting Room A Dr. Scott Cawelti explores the life and...

Friday, Feb 27, 2015

Even though you wouldn't know it by looking outside Spring really is on the way.  Which means many of us have started thinking and dreaming about our gardens. As most people know, there are two baisc types of garen plants:  annuals and perennials.

About Beth

Beth's picture

Title:  Program Librarian Where you'll see me in the library:  I work at the Information Desk, the Help Desk and in the Digital Media Lab during Drop-in Tech Help. I teach some of the Genealogy workshops and I'll be at most of the Library Events & Programs for adults too, so I'm pretty much everywhere. What do you like to read?   I read all...