Author Archive for Anne M

Monday, Jun 25, 2012

Next month, athletes from around the globe will gather in London to compete in the 2012 Summer Olympic Games.  Now's the time to start reading up on the Olympics with a few new library books. How t o watch the Olympics: the essential guide to the...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Over the past few months, women's issues have taken center stage in political debates on state house floors a nd in the media. What hasn't really been addressed by politicians and pundits is the changing role of women in the family (although these...

Wednesday, Apr 25, 2012

The transistor. The communications satellite. The coaxial cable. The fiber optics cable.  The integrated circuit. The solar cell. The cell phone. The charge-coupled device. Stereo recording. High frequency radar. C programming language. C++. ...

Tuesday, Apr 3, 2012

I admit it: I like celebrating anniversaries. Whether it's for Dickens' 200th birthday or the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, I mark the dates with a book or a documentary.  However, due to a certain film by a certain director, I wasn't...

Tuesday, Mar 20, 2012

In 2005, Daniel McGowen, to the shock of his family and friends, was arrested by the FBI for his involvement in a domestic terrorist organization called the Earth Liberation Front (or ELF).  One of his coworkers was so flabbergasted by his arrest,...

Monday, Feb 27, 2012

Last night, The Artist captured Best Picture at the Academy Awards.  Do you know when the last silent film took home that Oscar? 1929 (the year of the first Academy Awards); Wings was the winner.  I've been stumbling across this fact in the...

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012

I have a confession to make: I have never read Moby-Dick . I realize that this is a little odd since I read a great deal of 19th century novels, I enjoy maritime history, and I was assigned Moby-Dick a few times in school.  What makes it even more...

About Anne M

Anne M's picture

Anne Mangano has worked for the Iowa City Public Library since 2007, serving as the Collection Services Coordinator since 2013. In this position, she oversees the Library’s collection, including the selection, cataloging, processing, repair, and removal of materials. She also plans and directs ICPL’s digital collections, including the Local Music Project and the Digital History Project. Anne holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and a Masters in Library and Information Science from Simmons University. She lives in Iowa City with her husband and two children.