Access ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, music, videos, and other online resources. Resources marked with a library card require a Resident Library Card* and password/pin.
*Resident areas include Iowa City, Hills, University Heights, Lone Tree, and rural Johnson County.
Ebooks, Audiobooks, & Magazines - OverDrive / Libby

Stream or download our collection of ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines from OverDrive to your device or computer. Borrow 5 items at a time.
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OverDrive Written Help
OverDrive Video Help
Ebooks, Audiobooks, Music, Videos - Hoopla

Stream or download ebooks, audiobooks, music, and videos to your device or computer. Borrow 8 items each month.
Get the hoopla app - iPad/iPhone | Android
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Kids Ebooks & Audiobooks - Tumblebooks

Explore animated books, read picture ebooks, & listen to digital audiobooks for kids.
Streaming Video - Kanopy

Stream over 26,000 films and documentaries to your TV, device, or computer. Borrow 8 movies per month.
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iPhone/iPad | Android | Roku
Local Music Project +

Our own collection of albums by eastern Iowa musicians available to download for free.
+Available to Johnson county residents.
The Library Channel

Watch recorded ICPL events anytime from our video site.
Digital History Project

Browse digital items that reflect the history of Iowa City and rural Johnson County, Iowa.
Consumer Reports

Reviews, ratings, recommendations, video clips and buying advice for thousands of products and services.
The New York Times Online Access

Read all online articles from The New York Times website.
The Washington Post Online Access

Read all online articles from The Washington Post website.
The Wall Street Journal Online Access

Read all online articles from The Wall Street Journal website.
Historical Iowa City Newspapers

Find articles from Iowa City newspapers between 1840 to 1929 including the Iowa City Daily Press, the Iowa City Republican, and the Iowa City Press Citizen.
Mango Languages

Learn a new language with lessons in 70-plus languages, including English.

Unlimited access to thousands of online art and craft classes for people at all skill levels.
LinkedIn Learning

Over 16,000 skill-building video tutorials in seven languages across business, creative, and technical categories.
Staff Picks
ICPL Recommends

Learn about the latest books, movies, and music staff are enjoying.
Digital Confidentiality
We are committed to protecting patron privacy. However, digital checkouts may not conform to the Library's Policy on Confidentiality. To learn more, please read the American Library Association’s Library Privacy Guidelines for E-book Lending and Digital Content Vendors.