Winterling by Sarah Prineas

With an intriguing world that draws you in, local author Sarah Prineas' enchanting new fantasy series begins with Winterling. A more serious and less flashy story than The Magic Thief books, Winterling introduces another great set of characters readers will care for. Bristling at the constraints her overprotective grandmother, Grand-Jane, places upon her, Fer seizes the chance to follow a mysterious boy, Rook, into an even more mysterious alternate world. Fer, who has an almost-allergic reaction to the man-made trappings of modern life, feels immediately connected to this lush land.

But before long it is clear that something is truly wrong in this land. The Lady of the Land is deceitful, winter has taken hold and, worse still, the problems are leaking into life at home. Grand-Jane is urging her to come back, but secrecy abounds and stubborn Fer will not leave without answers. The action is often slowed down by the binding oaths that restrict key characters. I so wanted things to move forward at points, but the story wouldn't have made sense if it had. Stick with Fer and Rook and you will be rewarded with a rich fantasy experience. This series will especially appeal to children who love both fantasy and nature. The next book in the series, Summerkin, will be published in 2013.

Sarah Prineas will be speaking at the Iowa City Public Library January 7 at 1 p.m. and Prairie Lights January 14 at 1 p.m.

Enjoy this book trailer from Harper Collins:

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I can't wait to read Winterling! It sounds amazing. Love the trailer! Thanks for sharing.

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