Posted by Elsworth on Sunday, Mar 15, 2020
Dear Library Patrons,
Starting today, March 17th, the Iowa City Public Library is offering chat (online) reference and telephone assistance from 10.00am-5.00pm, Monday through Friday. Our online resources continue to be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Remote book drop service (located at GreenState Credit Union and First Avenue Hy Vee) will be suspended beginning Friday, March 20, at 1.00pm.
While the Library is closed, we encourage community members to keep all Library materials until we reopen. No items will be due and no fines will accrue while the Library is closed. Items on Hold will not expire and will be available when the Library reopens.
If materials must be returned during the COVID-19 closure, please use the Library's outside book return located near the staff entrance at the Downtown Library.
While the Library is closed, we cannot accept donations of books, CDs, DVDs or other physical materials.
These measures are being taken in an effort to keep our community safe. Opting to close the library was a very significant decision, made in response to the CDC and local heath sources’ recommendations for limiting social interaction. While Library leadership is confident that this was the right decision, it still feels very strange to close an agency built around the idea of access. For us, closing the library building was just one step in working to protect our community. We have also cancelled programs, outreach, the volunteer program, and Bookmobile service. Our most recent decision is to limit our hours of operation and to close our remote book drops.
Social distancing has become an important part of the fight against COVID-19, and as hard has it is to suspend access to Library materials and services, we do so to encourage you not to come to the public library until it is again safe to do so.
Please know that all ICPL staff are eager to restore our traditional services and welcome you into our building again. Do not hesitate to contact me with questions, concerns, or comments at 319.356.5241 or Thank you for your continued patience.
Elsworth Carman
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