Posted by Katherine on Friday, Mar 29, 2013
Julie Andrews' Treasury For All Seasons; Poems and Songs to Celebrate the Year is a new compilation of children's poems by many poets that have made a name for themselves. The poems are fairly short and would be good for elementary school children. It is a colorful book with watercolor illustrations by Marjorie Priceman, a two-time Caldecott Award Honoree. What I like about it is that teacher's could use this volume easily because the poems are arranged by months of the year and include seasonal and holiday poems. This is also a perfect treasury for families to enjoy together. Featuring selections from poets and musicians including Myra Cohn Livingston, Bobbi Katz, Marchette Chute, Walt Whitman, Karla Kuskin, Langston Hughes, Walter de la Mare, Mary Ann Hoberman, e.e. cummings, Aileen Fisher, and Eleanor Farjeon, this collection offers a heartfelt glimpse into the moments Andrews and her daughter, Emma Walton Hamilton, hold most dear. This keepsake book will encourage an early love of poetry and is bound to become a classic for families to revisit throughout the seasons. With the annual Children Poetry Workshop scheduled at the library for Saturday, April 6th, this is a book I will want to recommend. For more information about the program, please call the Iowa City Public Library and ask for the Children's Room since registration is required for 3rd through 6th grade participants.
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