Karen Beaumont's newest picture book is a sure-fire hit! The simple plot in this story is about a baby who wakes up in her crib and does not want to go back to sleep. The family, relatives, and even neighbors try to quiet her down by changing her...
Author Archive for Katherine
Monday, Feb 29, 2016
While putting together a winter storytime for preschoolers about hibernation I came across a new book I think is a winner: A Bear's Year by Kathy Duval and illustrated by Gerry Turley. This picture book was on the New Book Shelf in the Children's...
Wednesday, Jan 27, 2016
In a new picture book biography by Barbara Herkert, a brief text in language appropriate for K-3 grades tells about the strong-willed girl born in 1860 who wanted to be an artist. At 16 she enrolled in art school and studied at the Academy with all...
Wednesday, Jan 27, 2016
Two weeks ago for my in-house Wednesday preschool storytime and all my outreach storytimes that week, I read books about moose. I borrowed the Storytime Kit #16, "Moose on the Loose," for inspiration and to use the cute puppet included, but I...
Tuesday, Sep 29, 2015
Okay I admit it....I'm a Midwestern girl through and through. Born in Cleveland, moved to Chicago as a young child, then to Kansas City where I grew up, then off to college in Columbia, Missouri, then to my first professional library job in...
Tuesday, Sep 29, 2015
This gorgeous new picture book is written by Fang Suzhen of Taiwan and illustrated by Sonja Danowski of Germany. In the story, a little boy, Xiao Le, and his mother travel by train to visit his maternal grandmother who is sick. At first the...
Wednesday, Sep 16, 2015
The New York Times best-selling author, Karen Abbott, who wrote Sin in the Second City and Americ an Rose, published another book that readers will love. My Book Group read Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy for our September gathering. It was a...
Friday, Sep 11, 2015
Theodore Geisel, the real name of Dr. Seuss, passed away in La Jolla, California, in 1991, at the age of 87. He left behind a treasure trove of beloved picture books and Beginner Books published by Random House. He wanted to make reading fun...
Thursday, Sep 10, 2015
Okay, I admit it, I picked up another quick "summer read" over Labor Day weekend....nothing too taxing for my brain. I found All the Single Ladies on the adult New Book shelves and the cover image of the red and white life saver on a sea blue...
Monday, Aug 31, 2015
Erik Larson, best-selling author of In the Garden of Beasts and The Devil in the White City, has written a new book of narrative non-fiction about the luxury ocean liner sunk by a German U-boat in May, 1915, off the coast of Ireland. I knew a lot...
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