Tracking Santa

You can track Santa's progress to North America by checking out NORAD's Santa Tracker.  To find out where Santa is right now, go to

NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) has been tracking Santa's journey since 1955.  There's a wonderful interview from NPR with the adult children of Col. Harry Shoup of the Continental Air Defense Command (now called NORAD), who took the first call from a child who had dialed a misprinted phone number to talk to Santa.

If you go to, you will see a 3D presentation of Santa and his sleigh flying over the countryside below.  If you do not have a very fast internet connection, you can make an easy switch to a 2D presentation, which shows the places he has already been and where Santa is headed next.  As I write this, Santa is over western Africa.....and only hours away from Iowa.

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