Posted by Kara on Friday, Apr 3, 2015
What is Paging?
In the computer world, paging relates to how data is stored and schemes to keep data handy so it can easily be retrieved.
In the Library world, Paging is retrieving checked in items from the Library's collection. Paging is both a service and an activity. Paging as a service means our patrons may put an item that is checked in on hold. Our response is to send one of our Pages (hourly staff members) to the shelf to Page (retrieve) the item and put it on the Holds shelf for the patron to pick up.
Each day we Page over 100 items for patrons. Basically this is how it works:
1. The patron places a hold on an item that is checked in. Holds may be places through our catalog ( or by calling the Library at 319-356-5200. Checked in items with holds become "Paged" items. Patrons may have up to 10 free holds in their Library Account at any time.
2. Before we open, and about every 2 hours after that, we run a list of items that have been Paged. A Page goes to the shelf, pulls the Paged item off the shelf, and delivers it to Switchboard staff.
3. Switchboard staff check the Paged items in and print holds slips. This is when the hold slip is placed in the book and then the book is placed on a cart to be shelved on the Holds shelf.
4. Once all the Paged books are accounted for, Switchboard staff send Hold Notices. They are delivered by either eMail, Automated Telephone Notification, or via a print notice in US Mail.
Note: The delivery method for notices is determined by each individual's preference based on information in th
eir Library Account. If you want to change how you receive notices, please give us a call or stop by the Help Desk. In March 2015, Switchboard staff sent over 7,600 notices about holds ready for pickup.
5. Help Desk staff file the item on the Holds shelf. They are filed by the first three letters of the patron's last name and first initial. My holds are found at LOG K.
6. A happy patron picks up their Paged item and tells a friend about the wonderful Paging service at the Library :)
Periodically a patron will find a checked in item that has been put on hold by another patron. When this happens it is a bit tricky. Our procedure is the Hold takes priority and we explain to the patron that someone had requested the item be Paged and we must honor their hold. We also offer to place a hold on the item so the patron may borrow it once the patron who requested the Page returns it.
Sometimes we have patrons who place a hold on items then come to the Library immediately, expecting to pick the item up. Please remember it takes us a bit of time to Page materials and, in some cases, we are unable to find the item on the self. In that case, we continue to search for the item in hopes we find it. Please wait until you receive your hold notice before you come to the Library to pick up your materials.
If you have questions about Paging or Holds, please give us a call or stop by one of our service desks. On any given day we have over 700 items on our Holds shelf waiting to be picked up. We will hold items for six days, so that gives patrons a bit of time to come in and retrieve their holds.
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