Music on Friday

M 2016 04 Music on Friday ark your calendars for Friday April 29th at Noon in Meeting Room A for our final Music on Friday program from students at the University of Iowa School of Music. Two classical pieces will be performed, one by J.S. Bach and one by W.A. Mozart. The Music on Friday series is a part of Music is the Word, a nine-month series of program welcoming the University of Iowa School of Music to Downtown Iowa City.

I have to confess I am sad the Music is the Word series is winding down. Fortunately, a quick look at the MITW Schedule shows many great programs before the Finale program May 21st at 6:30 PM with Catfish Keith. My favorite part of the series has been the live music at the Library. We discovered the Library's Lobby has excellent acoustics for live music performance and it's fun to see the surprised look on people's faces when they come into the Library and hear music being performed.

I have started thinking about the live music programs as "Serendipity in the Stacks." A quick Google search for the definition of serendipity said, "the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way." Certainly that's what we've found during the live music performances and I hope they continue beyond the Music is the Word series. Head to the Library on Friday at noon for a bit of serendipity. It's guaranteed to make you happy.





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