Featured Website: Rookie Magazine

Rookie Magazine

Looking for a new website? Look no further: Rookie is an online magazine for teenage girls, and "[features] writing, photography, illustrations, videos, and more from a lovely staff and our readers. The site features monthly 'issues,' each revolving around a theme. We post just three times a day – after school, after dinner, and before bed."

Sounds like a neat way to connect with other teenage girls across the country and share a bit about what it is to be a teenage girl these days. The site encourages submissions from its readers, so if you've got a neat article or journal entry to share, they're willing to give it a read!

More importantly, however: the staff is roadtripping this summer (be sure to check out their tumblr), and they just stopped in Iowa City! Sorry you missed them, but it looks like they had a great time at the White Rabbit and the Record Collector. Cool!

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