Posted by Kara on Friday, May 6, 2016
Recently the Library Board reviewed the Library's Meeting Room policy and approved a couple minor changes. The Meeting Room and Lobby Use Policy provides guidelines for how the Library’s meetings rooms and Lobby are used for Library and community events and programs. It also guides how Library Staff manage this resource. The Library has five meeting rooms. Rooms A, B, C, and D are just off the Lobby and available hours beyond when the Library is open. Room E is on the second floor and is available Library hours only.
According to the Policy, "The purpose of the Library's meeting rooms is to provide space for library programs and events, to fulfill the Library's role as a community center, where the public can attend informational, educational, cultural events and to champion the principle of intellectual freedom by providing a forum for the free exchange of ideas."
Also, according to Policy, "Rooms are available to non-profit corporations (defined as those entities granted tax-exempt status by the IRS under section 501(c)(3) or other tax exempt sections of the Internal Revenue Code), a candidate’s campaign committee (as defined in Iowa Code §68A.102(5)), a political committee (as defined by Iowa Code §68A.102 (18), a non-profit citizen's group that provides appropriate contact information, a governmental subdivision, or a department/division/bureau of a governmental subdivision. Rooms are not available for use as a regularly scheduled classroom or study space by educational institutions."
The Library’s meeting rooms are very busy and many community groups depend on the Library's Meeting Rooms. In FY15 there were 3,261 events in the Library’s meeting rooms and Lobby. Of those, 1,528 were meetings and events hosted by community groups. The rooms are used most on Tuesdays and the busiest start time for meetings is 10:00 AM.
More information about the Library's meeting rooms is available at The Library's building calendar is available at There's a handy link on both pages for eligible groups to self-schedule a meeting room. Or give us a call (319.356.5200) or stop by - Library staff are happy to help with scheduling or answer any questions you have.
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