Posted by Kara on Wednesday, Apr 29, 2015
The Library Board recently reviewed and updated the Display Policy that governs displays members of the community host at the Library. More information about display space at the Library may be found at
According to Board Policy:
The purpose of the Library's display facilities is to fulfill the Library's mission and increase awareness of Library resources. The Library provides display facilities for the public and Library use. Exhibits using these facilities shall further one or more of these purposes:
A. To call attention to a theme related to Library services, collections or programs.
B. To bring together Library materials from several subject areas related to a theme of current interest.
C. To highlight current issues, events or other subjects of public interest.
D. To display original art, crafts, photographs or writings created by Iowa artists or contained in traveling exhibits.
E. To explain the activities of, or issues of interest to, local organizations and agencies engaged in educational, recreational, cultural, intellectual or charitable activities.
F. To display interesting collections or hobbies of local residents.
The next time you are in the Library, browse through the many displays at the Library. They are constantly changing and the information shared in informative and entertaining. If you would like to schedule a display at the Library, please call the Library at 319.356.5200 and ask to be directed to Stacey in Community and Access Services.
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