Posted by Beth on Tuesday, Jul 23, 2013
Last December ICPL had it's first fundraising crafts bazaar, and to say it was a great success would be an understatement. So many wonderful hand made arts and crafts were donated, and people had such great things to say about the bazaar and how much fun they had crafting for ICPL that we're doing it again!
Details will be out soon, but until then, here are some great new craft books to light your creative fire.
Tie-Dye: dye it, wear it, share it by Shabd Simon-Alexander. Tie-dying fabric or clothing can be as simple or as complicated as you make it. One thing it's guaranteed to be is FUN!
Tie-Dye leads you step by step through the entire process, from the tools you'll need, to the types of dyes and additives you'll want to experiment with. A single dye can look completely different on different types of fabric, so quite a bit is devoted to choosing the right fabric and dye to get the results you want. Twenty two different projects are included, as are a trouble shooting section, cheat sheets and an index.
In the 70's girl scouts did it with jute and called macrame. Today Paracord Crafts are all the rage.
You can make a lot more than just plant hangers using nylon parachute rope called "paracord." From key fobs and dog collars to jewelry and fashion accessories, if you can tie a knot you can create with paracord.
Parachute Cord Craft and Paracord Fusion Ties are two new books at ICPL that can get you going.
Parachute Cord Craft is a beginners book, with great simple projects using basic simple knots. Paracord Fusion Ties takes it to a whole other level, with advanced ties and projects.
Crochet a Zoo by Megan Kreiner. Elephants and pandas, zebras and giraffes - you'll find them all in Crochet a Zoo. Instructions for 14 zoo animals and a zookeper follow 12 pages of basic how-to-crochet instructions with well drawn illustrations that seem simple to follow. Knowing a bit about yarn weights and how to read crochet patterns might make this even easier to follow, but none of the projects seem very complicated. The instructions include finishing touches for each critter.
Bewitching Bead & Wire Jewelry. Are you a habitual paperclip bender? Do you enjoy playing with wire? If so you should check out this new book edited by Suzanne J.E. Tourtillott for Lark Jewelry & Beading. She has put together a collection of forty wonderful projects by 27 different designers. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants and even a ring! A seventeen page guide to the supplies and skills you'll need to learn starts this well written book. Full color photographs and illustrations are provided for each project. The publishers deserve praise for the layout of this book. A photo table of contents shows you in one glace all the projects and their location - a rarity in crafting books. An index to all the designers, with their websites and email is included.
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