Children's Summer Reading Program Events

2012 Children's Summer Reading Program
Sunday, June 3 - Sunday, August 5

space_bat_bg_cp This summer, the Iowa City Public Library will offer many programs for kids of all ages. Registration begins on June 3, Children's Day of the Iowa Arts Festival, and continues through July 15 in the Children's Department. From June 11-August 5, all children who finish 15 tasks win a prize book and special gifts. For more information on Children's Summer Events, call 319-356-5200, option 6, email or visit

“The Iowa City Community School District supports the Iowa City Public Library’s summer reading program and encourages all students to keep reading this summer.”
- ICCSD Superintendent Stephen F. Murley

For All Ages
Children's Summer Reading Kickoff

Sunday, June 3, Noon to 4 p.m., City Plaza.
Registration begins at Children's Day of the Iowa Arts Festival
For more information on Children's Day events, visit the Newsroom post here.

Craft Bonanza
Saturday, June 30, 1-4 p.m., Meeting Room A
Lots of different crafts to make and take home. Come for all three hours or just part of the time and make the crafts that interest you.

squid_chef_bg_cp Iowa City Book Festival
Saturday, July 14, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
at the U of I Pentacrest (corner of Iowa and Clinton)
Bring the whole family to celebrate books, reading, and writing with authors, kids' crafts and activities, bookmaking demonstrations, live music, poetry, guest lectures and panels, book sellers and publishers, and plenty of food.

Dan Wardell's IPTV Reading Road Trip
Sunday, July 15, 1:30 p.m. and repeated at 2:30 p.m., Meeting Room A
Dan Wardell, host of the IPTV KIDS Clubhouse, is back!

Ride & Read
Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, June 5-August 9, 9-3 p.m.
Show your library card for a free ride to the downtown interchange and walk just three blocks to the Library. This service is limited to children through grade 12, and their adult caregivers who are with them. Ride home free anytime the same day with a Ride & Read bus pass, available at the Checkout Desk. Limit: 1 per day, and 2 per week. Show your library card to get a bus pass from the Library. For more information: 319-356-5151 or or visit the Newsroom post here.

owl_jetsbook_bg_cp For School-Age Children
Grades K-6 Summer Programs

Thursdays, June 16-July 28, 2-3 p.m., Meeting Room A
June 14 Guest Authors Delia Ray and Sarah Prineas: “From Graveyards to Glamorie”
June 21 Musical Program: “Que Viva Mexico: Fiesta”
June 28 Water Carnival on the Ped Mall
July 5 Star Lab with the Grout Museum's Imaginarium
July 12 Guest Author Jim Aylesworth
July 19 Mad Science of Central Iowa
July 26 Celebration Party and "The Magic of David Casas"

Open Chess Play for Kids
Sundays, 2-4 p.m., June 17, 24 July 1, 8, 22, 29, Children's Room
Drop-in chess with adult mentors and other children

R.E.A.D. Read to a Dog!
Sundays, 2-4 p.m., June 10, July 1, August 5, Storytime Room
K-6th graders read aloud to trained therapy dogs for 15 minutes on a first come, first serve basis. Sign up, read and receive a prize book. Dogs and handlers are members of the Iowa City R.E.A.D. Therapy Dogs Teams.

Wii Gaming
Wednesdays, 2-4 p.m., June 13-August 15, Storytime Room (Except July 4)

bunny_read_rocking_chair_moon_cp For Younger Children
Book Babies

Fridays, June 15-July 27, 10:30 a.m., Storytime Room
For babies 6 to 18 months old. Featuring rhymes, fingerplays, songs and short books designed to stimulate your baby's language development. We ask that there be a lap for every baby.

Preschool Play Program
Thursdays, June 14-July 26, 2 p.m., Storytime Room
Perfect for younger siblings of children attending the K-6 Summer Reading Programs! Join us each week for stories, crafts, and treats!

bunnies_three_cp Stories in the Park
The Iowa City Public Library and Parks and Recreation Department are sponsoring 8 weeks of outdoor storytimes, for children aged 3-6, followed by outdoor activities.
Wednesdays, 10:30-11:00 a.m. June 13 - August 1 in Willow Creek Park, Teg Drive (except July 4) Off Benton St. in front of the Shelter House.
Fridays, 10:30-11:00 a.m. June 15 - August 3 in Mercer Park, Bradford Drive. Across from the parking lot of the Mercer Aquatic Center.

Toddler Storytime: Monday & Tuesday, 10:30 a.m.
Preschool Special Guest Storytime: Thursday, 10:30 a.m.
Family Storytime: Saturday, 10:30 a.m. and most Sundays, 2 p.m.

The 2012 Summer Reading Program is sponsored by the Friends Foundation Book End Committee of the Iowa City Public Library.

Please contact our Children’s Services Coordinator for more information:
Vickie Pasicznyuk
Iowa City Public Library
Children’s Services Coordinator

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