Obermann Conversations

Reproductive Justice: An Obermann Conversation

In the fight surrounding Roe v. Wade, it's easy to lose sight of the many other ways that access to reproductive healthcare can be limited or denied. Two Obermann scholars, Lina-Maria Murillo...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations

Economic Development as Social Justice: An Obermann Conversation

This summer, a new Story Map of Black-owned businesses in Johnson County was created. It connects users to a rich and ever-growing directory of businesses and entrepreneurs in the eastern Iowa...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations

Why Anne Frank Still Matters: An Obermann Conversation

For several generations, Anne Frank has been a household name—the WWII diarist whose posthumously published book has been translated into more than 70 languages. But do younger generations know...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations

What Is Critical Race Theory? Perspectives from Business, Law & Sociology | An Obermann Conversation

On July 1, 2021, Iowa House File 802 became law. Though the Act does not specifically mention “Critical Race Theory,” CRT was cited in discussions of the Act, and the Act restricts when and where...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations

Neighborhood NESTS: Building community-education partnerships

As it became clear last summer that the 2019-20 school year would include various kinds of online learning and other interruptions to schooling as usual, a group of community leaders joined forces...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations

Native Lands: Belonging and Reclaiming. An Obermann Conversation

Shelley Buffalo and Carrie Schuettpelz share their experiences as indigenous women who have thought hard about issues of belonging. Together, they'll consider what it means to belong to a...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations

End of Life and Grief - COVID's Lessons | An Obermann Conversation

The past year has made the end of life and grief a daily communal event, as we receive numbers from the headlines and news from friends and family. In the West, death and grief have often been...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations

Food Insecurity in Johnson County | An Obermann Conversation

As of five years ago, about 14% of Johnson County residents were considered food insecure, meaning that they had limited or uncertain access to certain and nutritious food. After nearly a year of...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations

Out in the Field: Finding Wonder | An Obermann Center Conversation

Three researchers whose work takes them into the field reflect on the experience of being far removed from screens, phones, and what many of us associate with everyday work. George Peterson, the...

Gardening, Nature, and Home Obermann Conversations

Little Resurrections: Laboring to Find Wonder in Our Work | An Obermann Conversation

Join a minister, a dancer, and a religious anthropologist for a conversation about social justice, the body's awe-inspiring movement, and the tension between the mundane and profound...

Current Issues and Politics Obermann Conversations