Gardening, Nature, and Home

Food Preservation 101 - 2014

Rachel Wall, Nutrition and Health Specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach, presents the basics of safe canning, freezing, and dehydrating of fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

Gardening, Nature, and Home

Project Green: Clematis to Swoon For

Rita Minard is a Polk County Master Gardener, a member of the American Clematis Society, and an avid clematis collector and grower. She has over 100 clematis plants in her own gardens. Rita will...

Gardening, Nature, and Home Project GREEN

Project Green: Garden Design without Blue Prints

Susan Appleget Hurst is the former garden writer and editor at Better Homes and Gardens and other gardening magazines, and a returning guest to the Second Sunday Garden Forums. This year she'...

Gardening, Nature, and Home Project GREEN

Project Green: Resources for Gardeners at the Iowa City Landfill and Recycling Center

Jennifer Jordan is the City of Iowa City's Recycling Coordinator, and she'll be giving us the inside scoop on the many resources and services of interest to gardeners that are available...

Gardening, Nature, and Home Project GREEN

Project Green: Putting Your Garden to Bed... Preparing for Spring

Presented by Master Gardener, Emil Rinderspacher.

Summary: A slide presentation about fall garden preparations for spring plantings.

Gardening, Nature, and Home Project GREEN

Project Green: How to Be Creative in Your Own Backyard

Creative design solutions for the development of usable space around the house; the extending of the house in the garden; placement of plants for their best interest and for ours.

Gardening, Nature, and Home Project GREEN

Project Green: Shade Gardening

Presented by Richard Jauron, Horticulturist from Iowa State University.

Summary: A slide presentation about companion plants for hostas or shady landscapes all by themselves.

Gardening, Nature, and Home Project GREEN

Project Green: The Kitchen Garden

Presented by Linda Naeve, Extension Coordinator, Reiman Gardens, Iowa State University.

Summary: A slide presentation and lecture on creating kitchen gardens.

Gardening, Nature, and Home Project GREEN

Project Green: The Uses and Care of Clematis

Dr. Paul Belding, local gardener and Clematis aficionado, presents a program about Clematis, its many varieties and their use in the garden.

Gardening, Nature, and Home Project GREEN

Project Green: Water in the Garden "First Pond - Decisions and Mistakes"

Dick is a long time gardener and past Garden Tour garden owner. He will discuss and show his lovely new pond which will be on the 2006 Project GREEN Garden Tour and share his progress and his...

Gardening, Nature, and Home Project GREEN