Across the country, leaders of PhD programs in the humanities face a conundrum. How can a department honor the subjects, methods, and practices of their...
The Iowa City Book Festival, in partnership with the Iowa City Public Library, will host a series of occasional events designed to bring the authors of books about...
Alcohol abuse caused more than 3 million deaths worldwide in 2016, according to the World Health Organization. Twenty-three and a half million Americans -- or...
Jeremy Swanston, Gerta Bardhoshi, Miriam Alarcon Avila, two University of Iowa scholars who have used PhotoVoice, a community-based participatory research...
How is voting restricted in our country in lawful ways? Political scientist Tracy Osborn, grassroots organizer Sharon Lake, and Andrew Bribriesco—president and legal...
Shawn Sebastian, co-director of the Fed Up Campaign and an attorney at the Center for Popular Democracy, explores how institutionalized racism, decline of...
Big Ears Festival managing director Carissa Stolting, former Hancher executive director Wally Chappell, and Flyover and Middle of Nowhere founder Simeon Talley...