The 2002 Iowa City History Quiz Bowl is held.
Local History
The Irving Weber statue, which is on Iowa Avenue in Iowa City, is dedicated.
Local History Weber Days
Augusten Burroughs, author of the New York Times bestseller Running with Scissors, gives a talk at Iowa City Public Library.
Recorded April 7, 2009.
Books and Writing
Jack Gantos, 2009's author in residence, presents a journaling workshop for adults.
Recorded June 17, 2009.
Arts, Music, and Hobbies, Books and Writing
Irving Weber, who has a school named for him in Iowa City, is interviewed.
Miriam Gilbert, Professor of Shakespeare, drama, and performance criticism in the University of Iowa English Department presents "Shakespeare and 'the likeness of a Jew' Shylock,...
Arts, Music, and Hobbies
Bev Larson gives a presentation about Iowa's early pioneer women and their history.
Loren Horton gives a presentation on pre civil war Iowa and Iowa City.
The Iowa City Noon Lions Club tells stories about Irving Weber, Iowa City's official historian and prominent Lions Club member.
Local History Irving Weber's Iowa City