Online Resources
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All resources are available for use within the Library. Resources marked with require a Resident* Library Card.

Begin your research journey here with access to thousands of international full-text, peer-reviewed journals.
Contemporary news content from national and Iowa newspapers including The Gazette, Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier and the Quad-City Times.
Licensing background and disciplinary information of physicians and other health care practitioners.

Search the US Federal Census from 1790 to 1940 as well as immigration, vital, military, court, church, and ethnic records. Explore city directories, the Social Security Death Index, and more. Remote access has ended, use is now in-Library only.

Authoritative and up-to-date service and repair information for thousands of domestic and imported vehicles. All content comes from the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and includes step-by-step repair information, diagrams, maintenance schedules, parts and labor estimates, service bulletins and recalls.

HelpNow is a unique tutoring, homework help, skills building, and studying suite designed to assist patrons of all ages succeed. Live online help from tutors. Tutoría en español.

JobNow provides live online assistance and powerful tools for job seekers such as live interview coaching, resume lab, and other career resources. VetNow supports veterans and their families with navigating the VA bureaucracy, providing academic tutoring, and employment transition assistance.
Full-image access to historical Cedar Rapids newspapers and city directories spanning 140-plus years. A partnership between The Cedar Rapids Public Library, The Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation, The Gazette, and Advantage Archives.

Reviews, ratings, recommendations, video clips and buying advice for thousands of products and services. Also includes health content from Consumer Reports Online Health.

Unlimited access to thousands of online art and craft classes for people at all skill levels.
Full text results from Jan 1, 1999 - present from the largest circulation newspaper in the state of Iowa. A ProQuest resource.
Full-page images from Jan 1, 2009 - present provides cover-to-cover access to recent newspaper content from the largest circulation newspaper in the state of Iowa. Every page is full-text searchable.
Full-page images from Jan 1, 1871 - Dec 31, 2008 provides cover-to-cover access to historical newspaper content from the largest circulation newspaper in the state of Iowa. Every page is full-text searchable.
FamilySearch's mission is to help people connect with their ancestors through easy access to historical records, it has the largest collection of genealogical and historical records in the world.
Research tool to help libraries and nonprofits find the grantmakers most likely to fund their projects. This tool includes grantmaker profiles that provide a powerful summary overview of the funder's work along with all the pertinent details fundraisers need to find and approach great prospects.
The world’s largest digitized and searchable collection of Freedmen's Bureau and Freedman's Bank records. This addition of more than 3.5 million records can help descendants of previously enslaved people in the U.S. learn more about their families. Requires a free account to view the records.
Search or browse full-image views of the Cedar Rapids Gazette from 1932 to 2024 via NewspaperArchive.
Full-text news coverage for Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, and 24 counties in Eastern Iowa from 1992 to present via America's News.
The Gazette and area public libraries have partnered to provide library patrons with free, unlimited access to inside the library building.

Formerly known as America’s Obituaries & Death Notices. Explore genealogical records from 1704 – today, including hard-to-find obituary content from the mid 1900’s, coverage from all 50 states, and original obituary images from historical newspapers.

This full-image archive covers historical newspapers in the Iowa City area from 1840 to 1924, previously only available within the library on microfilm. Examples of included titles: Iowa City Daily Press, Iowa City Republican, and Iowa City Press Citizen. Visit our resource for a full list of searchable titles.

Borrow audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, TV, magazines, or music via your computer or mobile device.
Full-text results from Iowa City's local newspaper with coverage from Sep 15, 1999 to present, via ProQuest.
Full-page images from Jan 2, 1965 - Dec 31, 2008 provides cover-to-cover access to historical newspaper content from Iowa City's local newspaper. Every page is full-text searchable.
Research and access Iowa court records. Information, including case titles and filings, case disposition, child support payments, fine payments and criminal charges, is free of charge. Individuals may also pay a monthly registration fee of $25 to gain access to advanced search tools and additional information, including case schedules, lien index, judgment index, exhibit lists, service returns and bonds.
Legal information for low-income Iowan, including answers to questions about legal rights and forms.
Comprehensive site of Iowa legislative and legal resources.
Full-text access to Irving Weber's 850 Iowa City Press Citizen articles on Iowa City and Johnson County history.
Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app by OverDrive. You can also send and read your borrowed ebooks to a Kindle ereader.

Over 16,000 skill-building video tutorials in seven languages across business, creative, and technical categories. Use it in a browser or get the free app with this Library ID: iowacitypubliclibrary.
Index to information in local newspapers and magazines such as Press-Citizen and The Daily Iowan. Press-Citizen indexed from 1961 to current.

Lessons in 70-plus languages, including English. Includes specialty courses, such as medical Spanish, and full-length theatrical movies with subtitles and enhanced instruction. Download the Mango Languages app to use on mobile devices.

Provides full text periodicals covering an extensive range of subject areas including business, health, education, fitness, sports and leisure, personal finance, general science, multicultural issues, DIY and fashion.
Information about diseases, conditions and wellness issues from the National Institutes of Health.

Investment analysis and ratings for stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, and markets.Please note that electronic use is limited to one user at a time.
Search the National Archives for genealogy resources by topic or type of record.
Get free and full access to The New York Times anytime, anywhere from the New York Times website.

Historical newspaper database online, contains tens of millions of newspaper pages from 1607 to present.
Full-image archive of a wide variety of Iowa newspapers covering 1817 through 1977.

Recommendations and reviews for adult and teen fiction and nonfiction based on your favorite titles, authors, and genres.
Stream or download our collection of ebooks and audiobooks from OverDrive to your device or computer.

This site is meant to be an easy-to-understand, basic information website about the law. Provided by the State Library of Iowa in partnership with the University of Iowa Law Library.
Access image-based newspaper coverage of the Des Moines Register (Jan 1, 1871 to Dec 31, 2008) and the Iowa City Press-Citizen (Jan 2, 1965 to Dec 31, 2008).
Full-text recent regional news content, as well as archives back to the 1980s. Covers news sources from Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Includes the Star Tribune, Dubuque's Telegraph Herald, Iowa City Press Citizen and Des Moines Register.

Detailed, user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines. More than 450 full-text reference books with original photos and illustrations, covering over 25 years of engine models.
Full-text results from the largest newspaper in Minnesota with coverage from 1986 - present, via ProQuest.
Explore animated books, read picture eBooks, & listen to digital audiobooks for kids.

The latest information on stocks, mutual funds, options, and convertible securities. View, print, and download research reports from the various Value Line publications.
Where to find birth, death, marriage and divorce records from all 50 states and territories.

Free 3-day access to The Wall Street Journal website. Simply click the link and create an account, come back to this link to renew your subscription. Coverage from Dec 1997- present.

Free 7-day digital access to The Washington Post website. Simply click the link and create an account, come back to this link to renew your subscription.
WorldCat connects you to the collections and services of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide.