Posted by Meredith on Monday, Dec 1, 2014
The Iowa City Public Library will be closed Friday, Dec. 12, for Staff InService Day.
“The annual InService Day is an opportunity for all Library staff to attend training designed to improve services for patrons,” says Kara Logsden, the Library’s community and access services coordinator.
The day begins with staff recognition, where seven Library employees will receive service awards. Library employees are recognized for every five years of service. This year, the Library will recognize individuals who have worked at the Library for five, 10, 20, and 30 years.
Training will continue with a presentation from this year’s keynote speaker: Aaron Schmidt. Schmidt is a principal at Influx Library User Experience Consulting. His presentation, Librarians as Designers, will introduce the concept of user experience thinking and illustrate how it can improve the Library’s websites, programs, and services.
Staff will break into small group sessions in the afternoon for additional training, then reconvene for final comments from Alysia Peich, the Continuing Education Coordinator from Iowa Library Services.
Regular Library hours will resume on Saturday, Dec. 13.