Posted by Meredith on Monday, Jan 30, 2017
The Iowa City Public Library will celebrate the first year of its 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program during a special storytime Saturday, February 11, at 10:30 a.m. in the Storytime Room.
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten encourages parents and caregivers to read 1,000 books to children before they start kindergarten. In doing so, they strengthen a child’s language skills and build their vocabulary — two important tools for beginning readers.
The Library launched the program in February of 2016. Join us as we celebrate our first birthday, as well as the children who reached their 1,000 Books goal. These participants will receive a special certificate to celebrate their “graduation.” We’ll also kickoff our second year of the program, so be sure to stop by, sign up and have some cake, too.
Each participant receives a bookmark at registration to track their first 250 books. Once it’s complete, children can bring it to the Children’s Room for their next bookmark, each one in 250 increments, until they’ve read 1,000 books. Books read more than once do count towards the total. Children also will receive a prize after completing each level of the program.
If you can’t attend this event, registration is ongoing and can be completed at the Children’s Desk during regular Library hours or online anytime at
For more information, visit or call the Library at 319-356-5200.